
Below you'll find a table with all the ingredients used in the weight and volume converter and their respective densities.

The numbers are by and large sourced from the FAO/INFOODS Density Database version 2.0. Both a pdf and excel version of the data can be found here.

(Note: This website is in no way affiliated with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.)
Ingredient Density (g/ml)
Water 1.00
Grated coconut 0.321
Kosher salt 1.22
Active dry yeast 0.575
Baking soda 2.2
Vanilla extract 0.88
Coffee powder 0.365
Roasted coffee beans 0.625
Cocoa powder 0.5
Milk 1.0
Soy milk 1.03
Almond milk 1.11
Powdered whole Milk 0.56
Powdered milk 0.21
Milkshake 1
Buttermilk 1.022
Whole milk 1.035
Whole goatmilk 1.08
Skim milk 1.033
Butter 0.911
Margarine 0.96
Dried buttermilk 0.5
Casein 0.58
Grated cheese 0.34
Cream, 13% fat 1.013
Cream, 38% fat 0.984
Cream, 9% fat 1.017
Heavy cream 0.994
Light cream 1.012
Sour cream, sour 18% fat 1.005
Sour cream 38% fat 0.978
Whipped cream 0.496
Ice cream 0.554
Sour milk 0.98
Yoghurt 1.06
Cooking oil 0.88
Palm oil 0.89
Peanut oil 0.92
Sesame oil 0.9203
Sunflower oil 0.96
Coconut oil 0.924
Corn oil 0.922
Olive oil 0.918
Peanut oil 0.914
Soybean oil 0.927
Vegetable oil 0.9185
Animal fat 0.7
Lard 0.919
Mayonnaise 0.91
Solid vegetable fat kimbo 0.6
Solid vegetable fat rina 0.67
Finely ground barley 0.74
Barley meal 0.45
Barley flour 0.61
Ground barley 0.4
Malted barley 0.49
Rolled barley 0.36
Soured barley 0.66
Whole barley 0.65
Biscuits 0.47
Bran 0.56
Bread 0.29
Cornbread 0.433
Soft breadroll 0.18
White bread 0.42
Breadcrumbs 0.45
Cornflakes 0.117
Muesli 0.37
Raisin bran 0.26
Cheerios 0.13
Crispix 0.13
Frosted flakes 0.18
Rice crispies 0.12
Buckwheat bran 0.25
Buckwheat flour 0.66
Whole buckwheat 0.625
Cake 0.415
Cake mix 0.7
Corn flour 0.55
Corn starch 0.54
Corn sugar 0.33
Boiled Corn 0.90
Corn bran 0.21
Coarse corn chops 0.67
Fine corn chops 0.6
Corn grits 0.665
Ground corn 0.56
Kibbled corn 0.335
Shelled corn 0.72
Boiled white corn 0.85
Dry white corn 0.81
Popcorn kernels 0.81
Corn kernel 0.81
Millet 0.64
Bulrush millet 0.90
Finger millet 0.81
Oat Flour 0.53
Oat middlings 0.61
Oats 0.41
Whole oat groats 0.74
Ground oats 0.46
Oat hulls 0.13
Rolled oats 0.34
Boiled macaronies 0.55
Raw macaronies 0.39
Boiled pasta noodles 0.59
Rice 0.72
Boiled rice 0.73
Rice bran 0.42
Hulled rice 0.75
Puffed rice 0.1
Raw rice 0.85
Rough rice 0.58
Boiled white rice 0.73
Raw white rice 0.82
Rye 0.72
Rye bran 0.28
Rye flour 0.67
Malted rye 0.51
Rye middlings 0.67
Rye shorts 0.54
Whole rye 0.705
Raw semolina 0.78
Sorghum flour 0.54
Sorghum seed 0.535
Soy flour 0.67
Wheat 0.77
Wheat bran 0.22
Cracked wheat 0.56
Cut wheat 0.74
flour 0.53
All purpose flour 0.53
Bread flour 0.538
Wheat flour 0.58
Whole wheat flour 0.51
Wheat gluten 0.69
Wheat hulls 0.7
Wheat middlings 0.24
Shaved wheat 0.54
Whole wheat 0.775
Whey 0.56
Boiled arrowroot/cocoyam 0.54
Raw arrowroot/cocoyam 0.52
Cassava flour 0.55
Boiled cassava 0.63
Raw cassava 0.63
Boiled potato 0.59
Raw potato density 0.59
Potato flakes 0.21
Powdered potato 0.77
Boiled sweet potato 0.65
Raw sweet potato 0.44
Boiled yam 0.79
Raw yam 0.66
Almonds 0.46
Cashews 0.5
Coconut Chips 0.61
Flaxseed 0.7
Nuts 0.63
Peanuts 0.53
Shelled peanuts 0.69
Unshelled peanuts 0.325
Pistachio with shell 0.6
Pistachio without shell 0.646
Rapeseed 0.77
Sunflower seed 0.62
Dried apple slices 0.24
Loquat 0.6
Unripe paw paw 0.56
Alfalfa leaf meal 0.23
Alfalfa seed 0.745
Alfalfa stem meal 0.19
Chopped carrots 0.54
Grated carrots 0.71
Boiled cauliflower 0.45
Green chili 0.5
Red chili 0.5
French green beans 0.53
Fresh green peas 0.73
Spring onion leaves 0.44
Green olives with pit 0.65
Chopped onions 0.22
Minced onions 0.13
Cubed onions 0.55
Sallad leaves 0.06
Blanched spinach 1.046
Spinach leaves 0.08
Cinnamon powder 0.56
Clover seeds 0.77
Garlic flakes 0.35
Garlic powder 0.32
Sage leaves 0.29
Barbecue spice 0.48
Egg 1
Powdered egg 0.35
Potato chips 0.09
Glucose 0.4
Jam 1.333
Jelly 1.245
Nutella 1.26
Sucrose 0.85
Sucrose Octoacetate 0.53
sugar 0.85
White sugar 0.85
Brown sugar 0.85
Dextrose 0.6
Powdered sugar 0.56
Molasses 1.18
Corn syrup 1.38
Maple syrup 1.32
Baking powder 0.9
Gelatin 0.72
Monosodium glutamate 1.62
Mustard powdered 0.26
Protein supplement 0.54
Fine table salt 1.38
Table salt 1.217
Salt 1.217
Soy sauce 1.12
Sodium bicarbonate 2.2
Yeast 0.95
common conversions

popular ingredients flour sugar salt butter cocoa baking powder powdered sugar baking soda milk olive oil brown sugar kosher salt yoghurt coconut oil